


HMB’s 16th Annual State and Local Tax Summer Camp – 7/25/18

A full-day conference presented exclusively to HMB's valued clients and invited guests.  Discover the latest issues, evaluate important updates and gain valuable insight from our seasoned professionals.

8:00 - 8:30am - Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 8:45am - Welcome and Introduction

8:45 - 9:45am - Wayfair:  The Court Has Spoken - Now What?

Chaos is upon us.  Where did the Supreme Court's decision in Wayfair leave remote sellers?  How will historical liability be addressed?  What is going to happen to all the re-definitions of physical presence that were adopted by the states and are currently being challenged?  Furthermore, what is going to happen to the marketplace nexus statutes and notice requirements?   Stay tuned, this will all be explained!

~Fred O. Marcus  and  Jordan M. Goodman, Camp Counselors

9:45 - 10:45am - Local Taxes:  Who's  on  First,  What's  on Second, I Don't Know is on Third . . .

We have seen local governments become increasingly more aggressive with respect to enforcement of a variety of local taxes.  Local governments are not only interpreting pre-existing taxes to encompass significantly more transactions, but are also pursuing litigation more aggressively than previously.  In many cases, the local jurisdictions are ill-equipped to address the controversy due to inadequate procedural rules governing the appeals process, and due to a lack of resources necessary to address sophisticated tax issues, which often have constitutional implications.

~David W. Machemer, Camp Counselor

10:45 - 11:00am - Morning Break

11:00am - 12:00pm - The Front Line of Apportionment.

Litigation relating to apportionment has steadily increased in recent years.   As states grapple with the explosion of the service and intangibles based economy, they have begun to require  various industries and individuals to source receipts in manners that deviate from the controlling statutory formulas.  Meanwhile, states often make it difficult for taxpayers to obtain alternative apportionment themselves.  This session will examine  the most recent trends in state apportionment of corporate income as well as their different approaches to alternative apportionment.

~Christopher T. Lutz, Camp Counselor

12:00 - 1:00pm - Lunch

1:00 - 2:00pm - Overview of State Tax Implications of Federal Tax Reform.

This session will provide insights into the key elements of federal tax reform, evaluate the state tax implications of those key provisions in light of historical and current state conformity with the Internal Revenue Code.

~Marilyn A. Wethekam and David A. Hughes, Camp Counselors

2:00 - 2:15pm - Afternoon Break

2:15 - 3:15pm - From Income Tax Nexus to Recent Problems in Partnership Taxation:  Hot Issues in State and Local Tax.

This panel discussion will address four contested topics in today's state and local tax world: strategies in entering voluntary disclosure agreements and amnesty programs, and other alternative dispute resolution topics; the latest problems facing partnerships and flow-through entities; recent income tax nexus cases; and several significant national updates.  This session will bring attendees up-to-date on many of the most leading-edge  issues in state and  local  tax, and  attendees are  encouraged  to  bring  to  this  discussion  their  own  questions  and experiences.

~Samantha K. Breslow  and Christopher T. Lutz, Camp Counselors

3:15 - 4:15pm - Guest Speaker(s) from Department of Revenue

4:15pm - Bar Review - Socialize with HMB and your SALT colleagues.

Click here to request a PDF of the presentation.

For SALT professionals' bios and contact information, click here.

500 West Madison Suite 3700
Chicago IL 60661

Phone: 312-606-3200 Fax: 312-606-3232
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