

David A. Hughes - a man in a business suit, smiling at the camera
David A. Hughes
Chair | State and Local Tax Group

David Hughes Webinar: Unclaimed Property in a Post Temple-Inland and 2016 RUUPA World

David A. Hughes - a man in a business suit, smiling at the camera
David A. Hughes
Chair | State and Local Tax Group

Note: CPE and Illinois CLE credit are offered for this event. Please see below for more information.

In recent years, states have been increasingly aggressive in the administration of unclaimed property laws. The Temple-Inland case represents the pinnacle of state aggression. The Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 2016 represents a potential legislative response to Temple-Inland.  Holders should be cognizant of current trends in unclaimed property administration, and how state laws may change in the near future.

Join unclaimed property professionals from Baker Tilly and Horwood Marcus & Berk to explore those issues and offer practice tips and their predictions on how unclaimed property laws will evolve over the next few years.

The program will help holders of unclaimed property:

  • Understand Temple-Inland's statute of limitations, record retention, and estimation techniques implications
  • Discover Delaware's response to Temple-Inland
  • Learn what changes Delaware and other states are making to their administration processes and procedures
  • Comprehend significant changes adopted in the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act of 2016
  • Gather practitioner insights from their substantial work with voluntary disclosures and examinations


  • David Hughes, Partner, State and Local Tax, Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered
  • Gary Peric, Partner, Firm Leader of State and Local Tax, Baker Tilly
  • Mark Heroux, Partner, Firm Leader of IRS Practice and Procedures and Unclaimed Property, Baker Tilly
  • Colin Walsh, Senior Manager, IRS Practice and Procedures and Unclaimed Property, Baker Tilly

Information about CPE eligibility

This webinar will discuss state and local tax issues that may affect a merger or acquisition. There are no prerequisites for this webinar, and advance preparation is not required. There is no cost to attend this webinar.


CPE credit: one (1) hour total credit

Field of study: Taxes

CPE host: Lindsey Johnson

Please indicate on the registration form if you would like to receive eligible CPE credit for this webinar event. A certificate of completion will be e-mailed to you four to six weeks following the event.

For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at 608 240 2522.

Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.

Information about CLE eligibility

There are no prerequisites for this webinar, and advance preparation is not required. There is no cost to attend this webinar.

CLE credit: one (1) hour total credit Illinois

Field of study: Taxes

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Please indicate on the registration form if you would like to receive eligible CLE credit for this webinar event. A certificate of completion will be e-mailed to you four to six weeks following the event.

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Chicago IL 60661

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