The UCC's Proposed Article 12: Controllable Electronic RecordsOctober 11, 2022Written by: Rick S. Rein with contributions made by Ben Dockery. “The 2022 Amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) update and modernize the UCC to address emerging technologies. A new UCC Article 12 on Controllable Electronic Records governs transactions involving new types of digital assets (such as virtual currencies and nonfungible tokens), and corresponding changes to UCC Article 9…
Prejudgment Freezing Orders in the US To Combat Evasive Debtors in the Current Pandemic EnvironmentJanuary 14, 2021The 2021 pandemic environment is showing trends toward evasive debtors trying to protect their wealth by moving assets fluidly around the world as creditors evaluate the value of assets and the ability to recover claims and debts.