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David Hughes Presents “Indirect and Operational Tax” at the Chicago Tax Club Summer Seminar – 6/27/1906/27/2019

6/27/19 Saddle & Cycle Club Chicago, IL David Hughes presents "Indirect and Operational Tax" at the Chicago Tax Club's Summer Seminar on June 27th. The presentation reviews recent state cases that defy logic and would cause any tax professional to think twice about whether the positions they take are on solid ground. Click here to learn more about the seminar.…

Jordan Goodman Presents ‘Multi-State Tax Update’06/13/2019

This 2-part presentation will get the audience up to date on recent state and local tax cases and statutory changes that will affect their client's business. The discussion will cover such topics as when a state can impose its taxing jurisdiction on an out-of-state business and what taxpayers can do to protect themselves. We will also cover the latest in…

John Wiktor Presents “Charitable Gift Agreements: Restrictions, Naming Rights, Enforcement and Ensuring Deductibility of Contributions”05/17/2019

The necessary details of charitable agreements are often overlooked by the parties, potentially resulting in serious legal ramifications. Incorporating charitable giving in an estate plan involves careful consideration to specific rights, conditions, restrictions and other vital provisions within a charitable gift to ensure the donor's intent and the benefits allowed for estate planning purposes. Charitable gift agreements must outline the…

David Hughes Presents “Multi-State Taxation” at the 60th Annual TEI Upstate New York Tax Conference – 5/7/1905/07/2019

5/7/19 Salvatore’s Italian Garden Buffalo, NY David Hughes presents "Multi-State Taxation" at the 60th Annual TEI Upstate New York Tax Conference. The all-day event hosts speakers from across the United States who will discuss tax and tax-related topics. Click here to learn more about the conference. Click here to contact David with questions.…

David Hughes Presents at Sales Tax Institute’s Advanced Sales and Use Tax Advanced Workshop – 5/1/1905/01/2019

5/1/19 Chicago, IL David Hughes is a faculty member for Sales Tax Institute's Advanced Sales and Use Tax Advanced Workshop. David discusses taxation services, the construction industry and gross receipts taxes. Click here to learn more about Advanced Sales Use Tax Workshops. Click here to contact David with questions.…

Webinar: David Hughes Presents “Illinois Unclaimed Property Compliance & Enforcement Update: Part I” With BDO & IL Chamber Of Commerce04/30/2019

With a multi-billion dollar budget and pension crisis on hand, Illinois is desperately seeking new sources of revenue, including new and potentially radical unclaimed property laws. These new rules create a "taxing effect" on holders who in many cases did not have unclaimed property reportable to the state under the previous law. Many holders now have reporting obligations as a…

David Ruskin Presents “Counseling Clients in the Cannabis Industry”04/12/2019

This year's Business and Commercial Law Journal Symposium will be focused on developments and innovation in the legal landscape. The speakers will be presenting on a wide range of topics from technological developments, and how they impact the practice of law, to diversity and pay inequity in the workplace. David Ruskin will discuss the evolving cannabis industry and how to…

Jordan Goodman Presents “All States Update” at the Dallas Chapter of Tax Executives Institute – 4/24/1904/07/2019

4/24/19 Dallas Chapter of Tax Executives Institute Dallas, TX Jordan Goodman will lead a detailed discussion of the key SALT cases.…

Jordan Goodman Participates in a Mock Trial for the Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization (UPPO)03/26/2019

Jordan Goodman will participate in a mock trial experience using recent unclaimed property cases as the backdrop.…

David Hughes Presents “Market Based Sourcing” at the ABA/IPT Advanced State Income, Sales/Use & Property Tax Seminar – 3/12/1903/12/2019

3/12/19 Ritz-Carlton new Orleans New Orleans, LA David Hughes presents "Market Based Sourcing" at the ABA/IPT Advanced State Income, Sales/Use & Property Tax Seminar in March. The seminar is designed with attorneys, accountants, tax directors state and local tax managers, government tax officials, appraisers, property tax managers, commercial and industrial property managers and others interested in state and local income,…

Jordan Goodman Participated in “The Annual Big Easy Brawl”03/11/2019

Join Professor Richard D. Pomp and Jordan M. Goodman in an in depth point counter-point discussion of trending SALT issues!  Participate in an outstanding session of insightful commentary on observations with two of the country's leaders in SALT. By attending this session, participant will be able to: Identify major developments in today's state and local tax world and spot trends…

Jordan Goodman Presents “Wayfair Ramifications Outside of Sales and Use Tax”02/18/2019

In Wayfair, the US Supreme Court held that the dormant Commerce Clause requirement of "substantial nexus" no longer mandates a "physical presence" requirement in the context of South Dakota's sales tax nexus law. In reaching this outcome, Wayfair potentially blurs historical distinctions between Due Process and Commerce Clause nexus, leaving businesses to contemplate going forward the extent to which the Commerce…

Jordan Goodman Presents “Today’s Commerce Clause & Tomorrow’s Multistate Tax Controversies” at Deloitte’s 2019 National Multistate Tax Symposium02/06/2019

In Wayfair, the US Supreme Court held that the dormant Commerce Clause requirement of "substantial nexus" no longer mandates a "physical presence" requirement in the context of South Dakota's sales tax nexus law. In reaching this outcome, Wayfair potentially blurs historical distinctions between Due Process and Commerce Clause nexus, leaving businesses to contemplate going forward the extent to which the…

David Hughes to Present “Beyond Wayfair: Sales Tax Collection in the Internet Age”01/22/2019

Illinois CPA Society Illinois CPA Society Education Center Chicago, Illinois Click here for more info and to register. On June 21, 2018, the US Supreme Court issued the most important sales tax decision in the last 25 years. Overruling 50 years of precedent, the Court ruled that a remote seller can be required to collect a sales or use tax…

David Hughes to Present “Wheel of Ethics: Take a Spin and See What Ethical Dilemma Awaits”01/22/2019

Conference Hotel - Hyatt Regency New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana The concepts of confidentiality and privilege arise for attorneys on a recurring basis. Ethical considerations, among others, are often part of the complex analysis that goes into a confidentiality and privilege evaluation. When, how and to whom do these obligations and protections attach are just a few of the primary…

Fred Marcus Presents “What’s Happening Everywhere Today” at NYU’s 37th Institute on State and Local Taxation12/18/2018

Get ready for a jam-packed show. It's hard to cover the ever-changing state and local tax landscape, but our all-star team of special reporters provides a rundown of what you need to know about the most important SALT developments affecting taxpayers today. Included in this year's "Hardball" segment is a discussion of the applicability of local which are widespread and…

Rick Rein presents “Cross Jurisdiction Enforcement: Getting Paid When The Money is Overseas” – Delaware State Bar Assn & WTC of Delaware – 11/28/1811/27/2018

University & Whist Club Wilmington, Delaware Moderated by Rafael Zahralddin, International section co-chair and Elliott Greenleaf, P.C. Director & Shareholder, Rick Rein will participate in a panel that will discuss how to domesticate a foreign judgment in Delaware, as well as how to domesticate a Delaware judgment in a foreign jurisdiction. The keynote speaker is The Honorable Eric M. Davis,…

David Hughes Present Everything You Event Wanted to Know About SALT, But Were Afraid to Ask at CPA America – 11/5/1811/19/2018

The Wayfair decision?state and local tax implications of tax reform?taxation of streaming videos and other digital products?multiple states taxing the same income. Navigating the current SALT landscape is a challenge for any multistate taxpayer. This session will explore the hottest SALT issues and how to deal with them.…

Jordan Goodman Presents “State of the States – State Tax Overview” at Philadelphia Chapter of the Tax Executives Institute Inc. (TEI) – 11/14/1811/14/2018

Philadelphia Chapter of the Tax Executives Institute, Inc. (TEI) Penn State Great Valley Malvern, Pennsylvania Click here for more info and to register. Catch up on the latest issues in state and local tax with a discussion of the latest and greatest cases and evolving trends in the SALT world.…

Fred Marcus and David Hughes Present “Wayfair and Its Impacts” at Nebraska Chapter TEI – Eleventh Annual Fall Training Day – 11/13/1811/12/2018

The U.S. Supreme Court's Wayfair decision is one of the most important state and local tax decisions of the last 25 years. By eliminating the physical presence requirement for sales tax nexus, the Court has completely changed the landscape for remote sellers. This session will explore how states are responding after Wayfair and the potential problems that sellers can expect…

David Machemer and Samantha Breslow Present “Local Taxes: Who’s on First, What’s on Second, I Don’t Know is on Third”11/07/2018

Marylin Wethekam is one of several authors who penned articles for State Tax Notes regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. that overturned Quill Corps v. North Dakota and altered the state tax landscape. The articles address the Wayfair decision and the issues that remain after the Supreme Court struck down the physical presence test…

Fred Marcus Presents “Quilling Me Softly” at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bar and California Tax Policy Conference11/07/2018

After waiting patiently for over 25 years, South Dakota finally bested her northern sister in the battle of naming rights to the most important nexus case. Our panel will discuss the Wayfair decision in depth, including its implications for economic nexus standards outside sales and use taxes (e.g. income taxes and gross receipts taxes). Panel members included Fred Marcus, Randy Ferris,…

Jeffrey Zaluda Presents “How To Survive As An Estate Planner In 2018”10/11/2018

10/11/18 - 10/12/18 2018 Duke University Estate Planning Conference Duke University Durham, North Carolina Click here for more info and to register. Building and maintaining a financially successful estate planning practice is much harder today. From building a practice to the importance of social media, Jeff will discuss how the estate planning department of a mid-sized firm in a very…

HMB’s 16th Annual State and Local Tax Summer Camp – 7/25/1810/10/2018

A full-day conference presented exclusively to HMB's valued clients and invited guests.  Discover the latest issues, evaluate important updates and gain valuable insight from our seasoned professionals. Click here to request a PDF of the presentation. Agenda   8:00 - 8:30am - Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:30 - 8:45am - Welcome and Introduction 8:45 - 9:45am - Wayfair:  The Court Has Spoken -…

Jordan Goodman Presents “Early Morning Ethics Coffee Talk: Ethical & Professional Challenges Facing SALT Professionals”-COST 49th Meeting-10/25/1810/08/2018

10/23/18 - 10/26/18 COST - 2018 49th Annual Meeting Arizona Grand Resort and Spa Phoenix, Arizona Rise and shine and enjoy an entertaining, informative hour on the latest ethics developments relevant to state tax professionals. This presentation will serve as your "wake up" for Thursday morning. However, there's much more to this session than getting an hour of Ethics CPE/CLE.…

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