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Service of Pleadings in the Electronic Age03/28/2023

Recent court proceedings demonstrate the extent courts may go to authorize alternative means of service. When service methods by process server or mail, whether certified or express, are unsuccessful, you should consider the other alternative means courts have allowed. In In re Three Arrows Cap., Ltd., No. 22-10920 (MG), 2022 WL 17985969 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. Dec. 29, 2022), after an insolvency proceeding…

Illinois Supreme Court’s Latest BIPA Decision: Violations Occur with Each Collection or Disclosure03/06/2023

HMB recently issued a Client Alert following the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision in Tims v. Black Horse Carrier, 2023 IL 127801, where the Court held that all Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) actions would be governed by a 5-year statute of limitations period. Since then, the Illinois Supreme Court has dealt another blow to Illinois BIPA defendants. Cothron v.…

Illinois Supreme Court Settles BIPA Statute of Limitations Debate02/14/2023

Background on BIPA Illinois employers collecting biometric information for timekeeping purposes have been assaulted by class action lawsuits brought under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). Typically, plaintiffs in these actions seek five years of damages for claims that employers collected biometric information through fingerprinting or face screening without issuing a public policy declaring the use and retention of…

Legal Updates for Banks06/30/2022

Recent decisions from courts in Illinois offer guidance in lending transactions and handling of bank accounts. Amos Financial LLC. v. Szydlowski The Illinois Court of Appeals in the First District recently created precedent with implications for lenders dealing with guarantors and assignees. In Amos Financial LLC. v. Szydlowski, 2022 IL App (1st) 210046-U, the court affirmed the lower court’s decision…

Clarifying the Use of Pre-Litigation Discovery in Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Cases to Investigate Potential Causes of Action01/07/2022

As cross-border restructurings grow, especially in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, global companies filing for insolvency relief in foreign countries may utilize chapter 15 of the Bankruptcy Code to facilitate the protection of assets located in the U.S. In Chapter 15 proceeding, assistance is available upon recognition of the foreign proceeding under Section 1521 (a) (4) of the…

A Physical Presence in Canada is Needed to Enforce Foreign Judgement Against a Party11/22/2021

The Supreme Court of Canada in H.M.B. Holdings Ltd. v. Antigua and Barbuda, recently considered whether foreign judgment creditors can seize assets in Canada when the party does not have an actual presence in Canada. There, the connection in British Columbia (B.C.) contracted with businesses in B.C. that were to pay a finder’s fee to the judgment debtor. The judgment…

Important Changes to Illinois Law Will Affect Restrictive Covenants in 202211/18/2021

On August 13, 2021, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law an amendment to the Illinois Freedom to Work Act, which will impact the enforceability of some non-competition and non-solicitation restrictive covenants in Illinois. Although the new law will not impact all restrictive covenants in Illinois (the amendment excludes from its scope restrictive covenants entered into ancillary to the sale…

The Complexity of Asset Recovery Is Shown By Different Approaches Needed In Common And Civil Law Jurisdictions10/27/2021

This overview is offered to provide a structured analysis of how enforcement measures can be implemented in civil law jurisdictions such as France and common law jurisdictions such as the UK and Germany. Creditors need to adapt their approach given the options provided by local law for recovering a debt and assets. The conditions for application of interim collection measures…

Foreign Discovery Through Letters of Request Are Not An Absolute Right09/05/2021

The Letter of Request Procedure is the main means of evidence gathering under the Hague Convention. This process begins with a request made to the U.S. court where the action is pending to issue a letter of request seeking the production of specified documents or the taking of testimony from a particular witness. The court transmits the letter of request…

Delaware Bankruptcy Court Confirms Bankruptcy Court Has Authority to Issue Preliminary Injunctions To Freeze Assets09/02/2021

In 1998, The U.S. Supreme Court in Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo S.A. v. Alliance Bond Fund, 527 U.S. 308, held that the District Court had no authority to issue a preliminary injunction preventing petitioners from disposing of assets pending adjudication of the respondents’ contract claim for money damages. Subsequently, courts have interpreted Grupo to carve out exceptions for equitable actions…

Inquiry Notice Applies to A Transferee’s Good Faith Defense to a Trustee’s Fraudulent Avoidance Action09/02/2021

On August 30, 2021, the Second Circuit decided in Irving Picard, trustee for the Liquidation of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, LLC v. Citibank N.A., 20-1334, on “appeals of the latest installment in the long-running litigation arising from Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi scheme” whether the District Court properly dismissed actions brought against initial and subsequent transferees, to avoid and recover transfers,…

As SPAC Deal Flow Increases, Expect Litigation to Follow Suit08/31/2021

With the recent rise in popularity of special purpose acquisition companies (“SPACs”), expect an uptick in SPAC related litigation to follow. SPAC’s are referred to as “blank check” companies because they are shell companies formed by a sponsor group to raise funds in an initial public offering (“IPO”) for the purpose of acquiring a yet-to-be-identified privately held target company. After…

The New Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act and a Preview of Upcoming Litigation02/26/2020

As you undoubtedly know by now, on January 1, 2020, Illinois became the 11th state to legalize the possession and use of adult-use cannabis. The new law, the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, 410 ILCS 705, et seq., (the “CRTA”) – all 610 pages of …

Employers Beware: The Cannabis Laws, They Are A-Changin’02/26/2019

Of course, laws are changing all the time. But with medical marijuana laws being enacted in states around the country at a quick pace, the list of shifting rights and obligations related to the workplace is growing like a weed. Two recent cases highlight wins …

Tenancy by the Entirety Not a Defense to a Mortgage Foreclosure Case When Both Spouses Signed Letter of Direction to Trustee of Land Trust11/04/2018

In  Marquette Bank v. Gesiakowski, et al., 2015 IL App (1st) 142627, the Illinois First District Appellate Court recently ruled in favor of a lender in a mortgage foreclosure case that resolved interesting issues regarding a mortgagee's ability to foreclose on real estate held in a land trust, when the beneficial interest in that land trust is held by spouses as…

Illinois Decision Sheds Light on Potential Pitfalls for Intercreditor Agreements12/15/2017

Given the increasing prevalence of intercreditor agreements in commercial finance transactions, lenders and counsel should be aware of an important 2017 Illinois appellate court decision, Bowling Green Sports Center v. C.A.G. LLC, in which the court ultimately determined that in certain circumstances a senior lender?s …

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