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The UCC’s Proposed Article 12: Controllable Electronic Records10/11/2022

Written by: Rick S. Rein with contributions made by Ben Dockery. “The 2022 Amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) update and modernize the UCC to address emerging technologies. A new UCC Article 12 on Controllable Electronic Records governs transactions involving new types of digital assets (such as virtual currencies and nonfungible tokens), and corresponding changes to UCC Article 9…

SEC Proposes Changes to Accredited Investor Standard and Assesses its Impact on the Marketplace01/09/2020

In December 2019, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) proposed amendments to the definitions of “accredited investor” and “qualified institutional buyer”.

Pumping the Brakes on Shareholder Demands and Threats of Derivative Lawsuits against Your Company08/31/2018

Every state recognizes the right of a company's shareholder (or member in the case of a limited liability company) to make a demand of the Board of Directors to initiate litigation that the shareholder believes will benefit the company. If the Board fails or refuses to act, the shareholder has the right to sue derivatively on behalf of the company. While…

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